Paris Calling​​​​​​​
This series captures the life and spirit of the streets of Paris in stunning black and white imagery. The photographs showcase the city's iconic architecture, capturing the grandeur and beauty of buildings like the Eiffel Tower and the charm and character of its streets and neighborhoods.

The set of pictures features a mix of street photography, architecture, and portraits of street painters in the bohemian Montmartre district. Each photograph is composed to draw the viewer's eye to the most interesting and captivating aspects of the scene, whether it's the intricate details of a building facade or the expressive gaze of a local artist.

The use of black and white photography adds a timeless quality to the images, emphasizing the enduring beauty and character of the city's streets and landmarks. The photographs also capture the essence of Parisian life, with bustling street scenes and intimate portraits that convey a sense of the city's unique and vibrant energy.
Why take a picture of the Mona Lisa, when you can steal it from others :)
Paris Calling

Paris Calling
